I am trying to run the following code. The output that i expect is 3500, but the result that I get is 0.
interestingly it does work for rows upto 1927 but not beyond that. Is it a limitation in aspose?
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().getSheet(0);
TextBox addTextBox = sheet.getShapes().addTextBox(1927, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
addTextBox.setPositionXY(addTextBox.getPositionX(), addTextBox.getPositionY());
int upperLeftRow = addTextBox.getUpperLeftRow();
Please give an update regarding this as it is having some production issue in my application.
I can notice the issue. We need to do further investigation if this is an issue or something else. I have logged a ticket for your issue with an id: CELLSJAVA-29576. We will look into it and get back to you soon.
Thank you.
Ok…Got it. The method setPositionXY() claims to receive interger paramaters but treats them as a byte. Input to this method 32768 is treated as -32,768. This is how bytes work. Can you please provide a quick fix for this?
Thanks for your feedback. I have logged your comment. We will fix it asap and keep you updated.
Thank you for such a prompt response and fix. It does work. However when I am not able to use this as it says Licence is expired. I don’t want to renew the licence now. Is there any other way by which I can try this fix. I am currently using aspose-cells-2.5.1.
Please help.
If your license has expired, then you will have to either use it in Evaluation Mode or renew your license subscription and acquire new license.
I guess, the cost of renewing subscription is half of normal. Please post your any question relating to license subscription at this forum: Aspose.Purchase forum.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as
29576) have been fixed in this update.
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