Rendering thumbnail not working

We are not able to render thumbnail image of the ppt/pptx

Using the following jars & the code snippet is given below:
aspose-metafiles-1.7.1.jar, aspose.slides-, jai_imageio-windows-i586.jar, jai_windows-i586.jar, jai_codec.jar, jai_core.jar

Slides slides = pres.getSlides();
Slide slide = pres.getSlideByPosition(slideNum);
img = slide.getThumbnail(1.0f, 1.0f);
if (arrayList.size() != 0) {
img = (BufferedImage) arrayList.get(slideCount);
ImageIO.write(img, “jpg”, response.getOutputStream());

Hi Savita,

Can you please share the source presentation with us for necessary investigation on our end please.

Thanks and Regards,

Please find the ppt attached

Slides 26, 27 in-specific needs to be tested.
All slides are also failing.

Hi Savita,

I have worked with the presentation shared by you. I have observed that you have inquired about PPT but have shared PPTX file. I have worked with the PPTX file shared and successfully generated the slide thumbnails using the following code snippet. For your kind reference, I have also attached the generated thumbnails as well.

PresentationEx pres= new PresentationEx("c:\\APBI_ENT_TEMPLATE.pptx");
for(int i=0;i<pres.getSlides().size ();i++)
BufferedImage img = pres.getSlides().get(i).getThumbnail(1f, 1f);

ImageIO.write(img, "JPG", new File("c:\\tem\\APBI_ENT_TEMPLATE_"+i+"_.jpg"));

I have used JDK 1.4.2_19 on Windows XP x86 as I have observed that you have used Aspose.Slides for Java 2.6.0 jar file for JDK 1.4. For JDK 1.5, my results are also fine. if you still feel any issue then please share the complete working source code, along with source presentation and generated thumbnails. Please also specify the issues as well that you have observed in your thumbnails on your end. Just for sake of assurance, I have also shared the jar files that I have used on my end. Please share if you still feel any issue.

Thanks and Regards,

Hi Mudassir Fayyaz,

I tried the same using the code snippet and the jars you had shared - still it is failing. Please have a look at the resulting thumbnail image attached --> APBI_ENT_TEMPLATE_0_.jpg.

And we have specific logic based on the file type to use either Presention or PresentionEx class.

For your verification I have attached class, which fetches the ppt/pptx file from DB and renders as thumbnails for viewing. The function being --> generateImageTag() line # 929

Thanks and Regards,

Hi Savita,

I have observed the code snippet shared by you. I have just been able to verbally observe the code snippet shared as it involves reading presentation files from database. The code snippet looks fine. Can you please share complete information about the environment setup on your end including operating system, servers configurations. What I have perceived from your code is that the presentation may be stored as byte array in database. You access the byte array and then convert that to stream. You then access the presentation using streams and performs your operations on presentation. Please share complete details with us if my perception is different from yours.

Please share the thumbnails for all the slides and also try saving the presentation loaded from database.Please share the requested data for further investigation.

Thanks and Regards,

Hi Mudassir,

I have attached the steps (code from how it is fetched from DB, and saved them as individual images).
Please note my system configuration;
Operating System - Windows XP (Version 2002)
Inter® Core™2 Duo CPU
T9400 @ 2.53GHz
1.98 GB of RAM

Server Details:
Tomcat 5.0

Do let us know if you need any further information.


Hi Savita,

As requested earlier, can you please perform following two things on your end for expedite verification.

  • Please try loading the presentation from database and generate the new presentation and share with us. The newly saved presentation if correct will ensure that there is some rendering issue with thumbnails generation.
  • Please try loading the presentation that you shared here and generate the thumbnails using the code snippet and jar files shared by me in this post as a separate java application without involving database for instance.

Please share your findings with us so that we may investigate the cause of the issue on your end. Please also confirm whether you are using x86 Windows version.

Many Thanks,

Hi Savita,

Please also explain how you are identifying the type of presentation in your code. I have tried to under stand the following statements but got no clue of how you are implementing this. Varaible "presType" is unknown. Since, I don't have database on my end but it is only holding the presentation in the form of byte array. I will try replicating this scenario by reading the presentation file shared by you as byte array and streams in Aspose.Slides and will then see the impact.

//based on presentation type the corresponding class is used
if(!presType.equalsIgnoreCase("") && presType.equals("pptx")){
presEx = new PresentationEx(inputStream);
presObj = (Object)new Presentation(inputStream);
return presObj;

It will also be important to know that how you are saving the presentation in database as well that you are retrieving for your verfication. As requested earlier, please use the jar file shared by me for your testing.

Many Thanks,

Hi Savita,

I have setup the environment shared shared by you on my end and have observed the exception while using JDK 1.5_22 on my end. However, by using JDK 1.6_22 the issue is no more there. I have shared the complete results, code and data set used to carry out my investigations here:
I have already requested you to perform some tasks in previous posts as well. Can you please try setting the environment shared by me and using code snippet shared by me on your end please. I have also created an issue with ID 30490 in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. Please share your further feedback with us.

FYI: Please study the file Read Me.txt in the shared data for detailed results and investigations carried on our end.

Thanks and Regards,


We got IBM Websphere (WAS 7.0.3) which has IBM java 1.6 version.

We found that still APOSE api has issue.

Can we use IBM java 1.6 with ASPOSE ?



error trace:

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/font/FontResolver
at com.aspose.slides.ImageCanvas.drawString(SourceFile:180)
at com.aspose.slides.pptx.SlideEx.getThumbnail(SourceFile:377)
... 43 more

Hi Savita,

I have observed the stack trace shared by you and feel that it might be an issue with some missing font at desired place. It might be possible that Aspose.Slides may be looking for font at a place in your Operating System where it is not available. Unfortunately, I don’t have desired environment to verify the issue on my end. Can you please verify some older version of Aspose.Slides for Java in your environment. I have created an issue with ID 31805 in our issue tracking system so that our development team may investigate the issue on their end. I will appreciate your feedback and will update you as soon as the response is received from our development team.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

We verified Aspose API 2.2 version with IBM JAVA 1.6 version and found it is working.
How to solve now Rendering thumbnail issue on Chinese language.
Cisco Infra have IBM java 1.6 which can’t be changed to Sun java 1.6

Hi Savita,

Thanks for the further information. I feel there may be some issue with Chinese character rendering Aspose.Slides for Java 2.2.0 version that you have found working in your environment. It seems to be regression issue and I have conveyed the same to our development team. I will be more than happy to share the updates with you as soon as they are available and also thank you for your cooperation.

Many Thanks,

Could we get time line for Fix? so that I can plan my project plan accordingly.

Hi Savita,

I am sorry for the inconvenience you have faced.

Does Aspose.Slides works with IBM Websphere (WAS 7.0.3)

The above issue has been scheduled for the detailed investigation in the current week plan of our development team. As soon as, there is more information available as a result of this analysis, I’ll update you back here hopefully in the coming week.

Kind Regards

Hi Savita,

Our development team conducted a test using Aspose.Slides for Java 2.7.0. They created a WAR app and executed under Websphere AS and IBM JVM 1.6 in headless mode. The application ran successfully to generate the thumbnails. Please find attached three thumbnails for slide 1, 26 and 27 generated from this application. Please try version 2.7.0 for this purpose and let us know of your results. Hopefully, this will resolve your issue.

Furthermore, they also shared that the below exception is caused when you try to use aspose.slides-jdk1.4 under 1.5 or 1.6. It should only be used with Java 1.4.

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/font/FontResolver



at com.aspose.slides.ImageCanvas.drawString(SourceFile:180)


at com.aspose.slides.pptx.SlideEx.getThumbnail(SourceFile:377)


… 43 more

Many Thanks

Hi ,
We tested the 2.7 version on aspose with IBM Java 1.6 which works on windows system fine but Linux with IBM java 1.6 operating system doesn’t have these fonts available hence still problem persists.
Pls guide us how to go about.

Hi Savita,

I have received response from our development team and I would suggest you to please try installing TrueType fonts on your end. Please visit this thread link for further your further guidence to insall TrueType font on your end. Please share your feedback with us if the issue still persist.

Many Thanks,