Hi Team,
In addition to issues posted at https://forum.aspose.com/t/102296
we found few more issues.
You can find attachment in order of issues.
1. Currency symbols alignment is not correct. (01-CurrencyIssue.rar)
2. Chart axis labels are not correct in generated Image (02-Charts in Excel sheet.rar)
3. Borders are missing in generated image (03-Border Issue.rar)
4. Dotted lines are displayed as dashed line (04-Dotted Line Issue.rar)
5. Header and footer are overlapped with cell data. (05-HeaderFooterIssue.rar)
6. Numbers with right aligned are displayed as left aligned (06-NumberAlignment.rar).
I have couple of more issues, soon i will post them with details
These are priority issue please let me know when can you provide fix.
Please revert back if you need any details
Thanks and Regards,
Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.
We have logged your issue in our database with the issue id
1 - CELLSNET-41437
2 - CELLSNET-41438
3 - CELLSNET-41439
4 - CELLSNET-41440
Once, the issue is fixed or we have some other update for you, we will let you know asap.
Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.
Please download and try the latest version: Aspose.Cells
for .NET v7.4.0.5. Some of your issues are fixed in this version.
Let us know your feedback.
Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.
The border issue and header footer issue does not exist while using latest version: Aspose.Cells
for .NET v7.4.0.5
The number alignment issue does exist, we have logged it as CELLSNET-41442.
Hi Shakeel,
I got Header footer issue in v7.4.0.3,
Is this issue resolved within past few days? Because I received this version few weeks back only?
Let me know specifically out of six which issues are resolved in
Also let me know, expected ETA for fixes.
Its little urgent and blocking our development.
Issue #5 Header footer looks like resolved in v7.0.4.5 ..but results in new issues.
Issue #6 number formatting is not resolved with new version, please recheck.
Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.
Please spare us some time to fix these issues. Once, these issues are fixed, we will let you know asap.
Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.
We have fixed the issues.
Please download and try this fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.4.1.1 and let us know your feedback.
Please also try the fix Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.4.1.2
We have also solved the issues: “2. Chart axis labels are not correct in
generated Image (02-Charts in Excel sheet.rar)”.
Thank you.
Hi Amjad,
Few more issues in image generation.
7. Image output is not in sync with excel print preview page output.
8. Hidden rows are visible in generated image
9. Columns are repated and last column data is lost in generated image.
10. Backgroud color is not visible in generated image.
You can find generated images and input excel sheets in attached zip files.
Thanks for the sample files and details.
7. Image output is not in sync with excel print preview page output.
I can notice the issue as you have mentioned. The image output is not in matched with MS Excel's print preview page output.
Sample code:
//Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\07-Page Output Mismatch\ExcelSheet.xlsx");
//Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\08-Hidden Rows Visible in image\Host_2012_Events_analysis_-_Dental_Live_P11.xlsx");
//Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\09-Column Repeated\03-LossOfData.xls");
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\10-Model Backroundcolor not displayed- Page mismatch\ExcelSheet.xls");
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
ImageOrPrintOptions imgOptions = new ImageOrPrintOptions();
imgOptions.ImageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff;
imgOptions.VerticalResolution = 200;
imgOptions.HorizontalResolution = 200;
SheetRender sr = new SheetRender(sheet, imgOptions);
for (int j = 0; j < sr.PageCount; j++)
sr.ToImage(j, @"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\10-Model Backroundcolor not displayed- Page mismatch\wsheettiff" + j.ToString() + ".tiff");
I have logged a ticket with an id "CELLSNET-41483" for your issue. We will look into it soon.
8. Hidden rows are visible in generated image
I can notice the issue as you have mentioned. The hidden row/data is visible in the output image.
Sample code:
//Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\07-Page Output Mismatch\ExcelSheet.xlsx");
//Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\08-Hidden Rows Visible in image\Host_2012_Events_analysis_-_Dental_Live_P11.xlsx");
//Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\09-Column Repeated\03-LossOfData.xls");
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\10-Model Backroundcolor not displayed- Page mismatch\ExcelSheet.xls");
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
ImageOrPrintOptions imgOptions = new ImageOrPrintOptions();
imgOptions.ImageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff;
imgOptions.VerticalResolution = 200;
imgOptions.HorizontalResolution = 200;
SheetRender sr = new SheetRender(sheet, imgOptions);
for (int j = 0; j < sr.PageCount; j++)
sr.ToImage(j, @"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\10-Model Backroundcolor not displayed- Page mismatch\wsheettiff" + j.ToString() + ".tiff");
I have logged a ticket with an id "CELLSNET-41484" for the issue. We will look into it soon.
9. Columns are repated and last column data is lost in generated image.
I could not find the issue, it works as per the print preview shown in MS Excel. I think as there are Rows to repeat at top and Columns to repeat at left settings are set (you may check it opening the PageSetup dialog box and click on Sheet tab) , also the printable area is set with a range here. So, it works as per these settings and print preview shown in MS Excel. If you still find any difference or issue, kindly give us screen shots to highlight the problematic areas comparing the images with MS Excel print preview, we will check it soon.
10. Backgroud color is not visible in generated image.
I can notice the issue as you have mentioned. The background color for some cells in the second page is shown in the generated image.
Sample code: //Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\07-Page Output Mismatch\ExcelSheet.xlsx"); //Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\08-Hidden Rows Visible in image\Host_2012_Events_analysis_-_Dental_Live_P11.xlsx"); //Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\09-Column Repeated\03-LossOfData.xls"); Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\10-Model Backroundcolor not displayed- Page mismatch\ExcelSheet.xls"); Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; ImageOrPrintOptions imgOptions = new ImageOrPrintOptions(); imgOptions.ImageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff; imgOptions.VerticalResolution = 200; imgOptions.HorizontalResolution = 200; SheetRender sr = new SheetRender(sheet, imgOptions); for (int j = 0; j < sr.PageCount; j++) { sr.ToImage(j, @"E:\test2\aspose.cells totiff\10-Model Backroundcolor not displayed- Page mismatch\wsheettiff" + j.ToString() + ".tiff"); } I have logged a ticket with an id "CELLSNET-41485" for the issue. We will look into it soon.
Once we have any update on any of your pointed issues, we will let you know here.
Thank you.
Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.
We have fixed the issues. (i.e CELLSNET-41483, CELLSNET-41484, CELLSNET-41485)
Please download and try this fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.4.1.3 and let us know your feedback.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-41440;CELLSNET-41485;CELLSNET-41484;CELLSNET-41483;CELLSNET-41442;CELLSNET-41439;CELLSNET-41437) have been fixed in this update.
This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.
Hi Team,
I rechecked all issue with latest Aspose Cell version Used same data for testing
Issue Number #
01. Resolved .
02. Still there is mismatch with Excel Print Preview.
03. Resovled.
04. Partially fixed . Line quality is not same as excel print preview. You can see it clearly in output #4.
05. Header footer issue is fixed. Cloumn data is mismatchin with excel print privew output.
07. Partially fixed: Data is flowing out of cell.
08. resolved
09. Data is issue is not resolved.
10. backgroud color issue resolved. Still image is not same as excel print preview.
11- FONT mismatch in generated image.
Please find attached zip for issue #4 and new issue #11.
Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.
After initial investigation, we found this issue. We have logged these issues in our database. We will look into them and resolve them. Once the issues are resolved or we have some other update for you, we will let you know asap.
This issue has been logged as CELLSNET-41546 (Font Mismatch) and CELLSNET-41545 (Dotted Line Issue).
For your other issues, please create separate thread for each of your issue. It will help us sort out your issue easily.
Hi Team,
Let me know estimated time to fix open issues out of 11 issues.
This issue is blocking our work.
Thanks and Regards,
As well I am not able to reply to original post too...
<A href="</A></P>
<P>There are 3 unresolved issues in this.</P>
<P>Let me know when i will get fix for this also.</P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
rbroome@hostanalytics.com:Hi Team,
I rechecked all issue with latest Aspose Cell version Used same data for testing
Issue Number #
01. Resolved .
02. Still there is mismatch with Excel Print Preview.
03. Resovled.
04. Partially fixed . Line quality is not same as excel print preview. You can see it clearly in output #4.
05. Header footer issue is fixed. Cloumn data is mismatchin with excel print privew output.
07. Partially fixed: Data is flowing out of cell.
08. resolved
09. Data is issue is not resolved.
10. backgroud color issue resolved. Still image is not same as excel print preview.
11- FONT mismatch in generated image.
Please find attached zip for issue #4 and new issue #11.
Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.
We have checked your issues. Following are the detail about them.
1 First issue is resolved
2 Chart data does not match with Excel print preview.
3 This issue is resolved too.
4 We have already logged this issue.
5 Header footer issue is fixed. Could you highlight the column mismatching issue?
6 This issue is resolved too.
7 Data is flowing out of the cell. This issue needs to be fixed.
8 This issue is resolved too.
9 Please check this comment about issue number 9
https://forum.aspose.com/t/9761710 Could you highlight the issue for us. It seems fine.
11 This issue is already logged.