哪个 Aspose Java API 在输出文档中嵌入水印?请确保您使用的是在订阅到期日期 (2024-04-09) 之前发布的 Aspose (Java) API 官方版本。此外,我们建议您检查以下几点以追踪并解决您的问题:
- 在 Aspose.Total for Java 中为不同 API 实例化和定义 License 对象时,使用完全限定的命名约定。另外,请确保在应用程序/程序启动时执行对 setLicense 的调用。请在编辑器的调试器中单步执行。
- 确保您的代码不会捕获许可代码中 Aspose API 抛出的异常。例如,如果 Aspose API 找不到许可证或者许可证已过期,无法与较新的 API 版本一起使用,则 Aspose API 将抛出异常/消息。
- 确保输入文档没有评估消息或水印。
- 确保在实例化任何其他对象之前执行 API 的 setLicense 方法。
Hi Amjad:
Thank you for your reply. We purchased a perpetual license last year. From my understanding, the word “perpetual” means that this license will never be expired as long as we keep using the current version 23.3. However, on the date of subscription expiry, Apr 9th, the watermark shows on each files we transferred.
Before that, we had a AEM product version upgrade from 6.5.12 to 6.5.20 on March 31st but the license is still working till Apr 9th. To check if the issue is caused by AEM upgrade, we also tested the license in our backup environment (AEM 6.5.12), the watermark issue still exists. However, we attempted to change the local time back before the subscription expiry date, the watermark disappeared. This is not what we want when we purchased the “perpetual” license if nevertheless the license will be expired someday.
Also, I am a little confused about the definition of “Singleton” or " Set up license for multiple times". Do you mean that if there are product upgrades or new function launchs and we have to reload the license again even for the same server same person, this can be treated as a new “set up”?
Thank you.
Your understanding is correct. However, you may be using a newer version that was released after your subscription expiry date.
I guess by “AEM product version” you meant the version of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), is that correct? Anyways, Aspose APIs are not affected by any third-party tools, apps, or libraries whatsoever.
Is your application being used in a multi-threaded environment where you are using/setting your license in threads for different users? We recommend users, if not necessary, process the licensing code only once at the beginning of the application’s life cycle. Therefore, ensure that the license settings code is placed outside of the thread(s) so that the license can be set only once at the start of the application. The code for setting the license should not be executed repeatedly and concurrently in threads, as this is not necessary may create problems.
In any case, if you still encounter the issue and are unable to resolve it, we will need your sample (Java) program and license file. Please note that when sending us your license file, use a private message. Do not attach the license file to this post. Send the license file via private message. Please refer to the document and follow the guidelines provided on how to send license file.
Once we receive your license file, we will start evaluating your issue on our end.
Hi Amjad:
Thank you so much for your reply. To understand the problem caused by multi-threaded environment, do we have a limitation that the license can only be used for one server one person? If there is another server with different ip but in the same environment, will this cause issues?
Warm regards
Generally, there are no restrictions set forth by the license file itself. However, it may depend upon your license type. Different license types have different attributes, restrictions, and capabilities. You can reach out to our sales team in the Aspose.Purchase forum regarding your license type for complete reference.
Moreover, as requested earlier, please share your sample (Java) program and license file to reproduce the issue on our end. Please note that when sending us your license file, use a private message. Please refer to the document and follow the guidelines provided on how to send license file.
Hi Amjad:
I have sent you the file through private message, please kindly help review it, thank you.
Warm regards
We have received your license file and sample code snippet via private message.
We will evaluate your issue using your license file (Aspose.Total.Product.Family.lic) and get back to you soon. By the way, which specific API (Aspose.Words for Java, Aspose.Slides for Java, Aspose.Imaging for Java) produces the issue, or do all three (which you have used in your program) simulate the watermark issue? This will help us pinpoint the issue, and we will be able to address it soon and accordingly.
Hi Amjad:
The issue is produced by Aspose.Slides for Java, thank you.
Warm regards
Thank you for confirming the API that is causing the issue. A colleague from the Aspose.Slides team will evaluate your issue using your license and get back to you soon.
We have checked your license file and confirm that the license works fine on our end but previously, some licensing issues in Aspose.Slides for Java were fixed. You should manually remove the Aspose.Slides for Java JAR package from your project and install it again. This will help you. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Hi Andrey:
We have removed the Java JAR package and installed it again, the waterprint still exists. Thank you.
Warm regards
Waterprint.png (93.3 KB)
Removed 2.png (154.2 KB)
Reinstall 1.png (172.9 KB)
Reinstall 2.png (192.0 KB)
Removed 1.png (100.7 KB)
Unfortunately, we don’t know what the “aspose-total-java-1.0.3.jar” is. Please follow Aspose.Total | Java Class Libraries to Process File Formats to get official versions of Aspose.Total for Java. I used the Maven configuration for Aspose.Total for Java 23.3 and confirm that your license works fine with this version.
Hi Andrey:
We simply renamed the original file, it is the same as Aspose.Total for Java 23.3.
Warm regards
Please note:
- We do not distribute Aspose.Total for Java as JAR packages.
- You can create an empty project, install Aspose.Total as described on the official site, and make sure your license works fine.
Hi Andrey:
However in the real case we are not use the license one time only at the beginning of the application’s life cycle. From my understanding, the license was also used for another server with different ip but in the same environment, will this cause issues?
We purchased total java for small business perpetual, it should be perpetual if we use the same version 23.3 forever. But now it has waterprint after the subscriptionexpiry.
Thank you.
Warm regards
No, this should not be the cause of the problem.
Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the problem you described. Your license works fine on our end. Please share the following files and information:
- the simplest project to reproduce the problem
- OS version on which the code was executed