Background Image CSS Property

Does Aspose work with inline style for background image.

Refer to the attachment (html snippet as well as the image used).

  1. HTML displays content inside the shape “circle.png” on browser.

  2. When we try to use Aspose, the shape does not show up.

  3. If I change the background-size to Cover, it tries to draw the image and does not fit the box.

My concern is around:

background-image: http://localhost/GEMSUI/Images/Charting/circle.png") !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%;

In Browser the image will scale to DIV size but in html it does not.

Hi Arunabh,

Thanks for contacting support.

Please share the circle.png file as its referenced from localhost in your source HTML. We are sorry for this inconvenience.

The images have been uploaded. Can you please check?

Hi Arunabh,

Thanks for sharing the resource files.

I have placed the circle.png and hexagon.png files in directory where input HTML file is placed and also have updated the image file path inside HTML but when viewing the file in browser, the Circle is not being rendered even in browser. Can you please take a look over attached HTML (updated HTML) and share the correct HTML so that we can then test its rendering to PDF format.


For your reference, I have uploaded a zip file. Please unzip the file and host the Virtual directory as http://localhost/PDFHtml.

Launch the page as http://localhost/PDFHtml/ShapePage.aspx

You can use this html to generate PDF.

Hi Arunabh,

Thanks for sharing the resource files. We are working on replicating the issue based on shared documents and will get back to you soon.

May I know if there is any feedback on this issue?

Hi Arunabh,

Thanks for your patience.

I have tested the scenario and have observed that circle shape is not being rendered in resultant PDF file. For your reference, I have attached the output generated over my end. Please take a look and confirm if you are also facing the same issue or you have different observations.


// load HTML file<o:p></o:p>

Document doc = new Document("c:/pdftest/CircleRendering.html", new HtmlLoadOptions());

// save output in PDF format


Nayyer Shahbaz,

Can you please see if your html opens in browser with circle?

If not, can you edit the html to have correct path?

The other option is I have earlier updated a zip file which is a ASP.NET project. You can try exporting that ASPX page to PDF.

Hi Arunabh,

Thanks for sharing the details.

I have already updated/corrected the image files path in HTML file and when viewing the file in web browser, the circles do appear but the contents are not properly rendering inside the circle. Whereas the circles are not being rendered properly in PDF document. See attached image file.


That is what my question/concern about. When I try to export to PDF, I do not get the same output. Any help with this will be appreciated.


Hi Arunabh,

Thanks for the acknowledgement.

I have logged the earlier discussed problem in our issue tracking system as PDFNEWNET-39576. We will further look into the details of this problem and will keep you posted on the status of correction. Please be patient and spare us little time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.


May I know if there is an ETA on this?

Hi Arunabh,

Thanks for your patience.

As we recently have been able to notice this issue, so its still pending for review. However the team will start investigating the issue as per their schedule. As soon as we have some definite updates regarding its resolution, we will let you know.


I would appreciate if I could at least get a time frame when I am likely to get a fix for this?


Hi Arunabh,

Thanks for your patience.

As shared earlier, the issue is recently noticed and its still pending for review and until or unless the team has evaluated this problem, we might not be able to share any possible timelines regarding its resolution. Please note that issues are resolved in first come first serve basis as we believe its the fairest policy to all the customers.

Nevertheless, as soon as we have some definite updates, we will let you know.

Hi Nayyer

Checking on the status. May I know if we have any dates when we can get this resolved?


Hi Arunabh,

Thanks for your patience.

I am afraid the issue reported earlier is still pending for review and is not yet resolved. Unless the team has investigated this problem in details (once its scheduled), we might not be able to share any possible timelines by which it will be resolved. Please be patient and spare us little time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
hi there, could you please tell me if this ticket has been analysed yet, and when it is scheduled for fixing ? If it has not been analysed, can you please tell me when it will be ?

Hi Arunabh,

Thanks for your patience.

As shared by Tilal on Live chat, the problem is no yet resolved. However the team has started investigating the problem and as soon as we have some definite updates regarding its resolution, we will let you know. Please be patient and spare us little time.