Bring hyperlink in doc to pdf

Hi, I use word to automatically generate content hyperlinks to the text in the word file. When I save it in pdf format, I would like to reserve the hyperlinks. Is that possible? How can I do that? Thanks!


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Hyperlinks remains as it is in PDF after conversion. Can you please send us your word document and let us check this issue.


the .pdf I generated from the .doc has blue underlined contents just as in .doc. But the blue underlined text is not going anywhere. Could you please tell me why?


Can you please provide the word document so that we can test it. Please refer to: How to Share a Document in a Forum Post


Can I use aspose.words to dynamically generate TOC table? I know it can’t be done before, but I don’t know if it is ok now. Please let me know ASAP.


I am not sure that I understand your requirement. Are you trying to convert a word file to pdf. If so then please send us the word document and we will test if it to see if there are any problems in conversion.
