I am creating one function that will convert a doc file to a docx file, and in the process split the file into subsections. It will take in a byte representation of a file (.doc), and return a list of byte array representations of .docx files each representing a chunk of the original file. I used this Aspose documentation for reference: Split a Document in Python|Aspose.Words for Python via .NET. However, when I run it, I get this error RuntimeError: Proxy error(NotSupportedException): Specified method is not supported.
If I try to use save_format as aw.SaveFormat.DOCX instead of aw.SaveFormat.DOC, it will work. Why is that?
def _word_conv(self, input_stream, save_format=None):
"""Convert a word document from one type to another using aspose words.
input_stream: Stream of input document.
save_options (optional): Save options for conversion. Defaults to None.
print("%s - %s - Sending %s to converter/splitter." % (datetime.now(), self.tardis_id, self.src_file_type))
# Open input stream as aw doc
doc = aw.Document(input_stream)
# Check if page count is too large
output_bytes_items = []
if doc.page_count > MAX_DOC_PAGES:
print("%s - %s - Splitting %s into %s chunks." % (datetime.now(), self.tardis_id, self.src_file_type, math.ceil(doc.page_count / CHUNK_SIZE)))
# Traverse pages and take chunks
for chunk_start in range(0, doc.page_count, CHUNK_SIZE):
chunk_end = min(chunk_start + CHUNK_SIZE, doc.page_count)
extracted_pages = doc.extract_pages(chunk_start, chunk_end - chunk_start)
# Save and append to output
with io.BytesIO() as out_stream:
extracted_pages.save(out_stream, save_format)
# If doc is small enough export as is
with io.BytesIO() as out_stream:
doc.save(out_stream, save_format)
return output_bytes_items