Connector spacing

Hi Team,

When I have many connectors in my visio page, i tried the below code to have spacing and no overlapping of connectors and inlcude line jumps.
But these are not working,please provide a solution:

diagram.Pages.GetPage(page.ID).PageSheet.PageLayout.LineAdjustFrom.Value = LineAdjustFromValue.AllLines;
diagram.Pages.GetPage(page.ID).PageSheet.PageLayout.LineAdjustTo.Value = LineAdjustToValue.NoLines;

        diagram.Pages.GetPage(page.ID).PageSheet.PageLayout.LineJumpCode.Value = LineJumpCodeValue.VerticalLines;
        diagram.Pages.GetPage(page.ID).PageSheet.PageLayout.LineJumpStyle.Value = LineJumpStyleValue.Arc;

A post was merged into an existing topic: How to space the connectors or dont overlap the connectors