I like to inform that Aspose.PDF provide support for preserving hyperlinks. Can you please share source file along with generated result and sample code so that we may further investigate to help you out. Also please share which version of Aspose.PDF you are using on your end.
I have tested the scenario and and I have logged investigation ticket with ID as PDFJAVA-39176 in our issue tracking system. We will further look into the details of this problem and will keep you updated on the status of correction. Please be patient and spare us little time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
The customer would like to know if the investigation takes longer or not.
If no further information is available, they prefer to start looking to the other tools rather than Aspose.
I like to inform this issue has been added recently in our issue tracking system and as per our company policy, the first priority for investigation is given to the Paid Support i.e. Enterprise and Priority Support on first come first serve basis. After that the issues from normal support forum are scheduled for investigation on first come first serve basis. I request for your patience and we will share good news with you soon. I also like to inform that if you are entitled for priority support than please visit Paid support helpdesk to get your issue resolve as soon as possible.
I know how support tickets are prioritized.
It seems there is no choice but I have to inform the customer to think about alternative tools rather than Aspose since he is an evaluation user. Paid support option is not available in this case.
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