Corrupt PDF after save


I am trying to open up a PDF, replace some text, and then save the file. I've tried the following code on 3 PDF files:


pdfContent.replaceText("house", "houseXXX");"c:\\Generated - test.pdf");

2 of the 3 generated PDF files were corrupt, given a "too few operands" error when trying to open them. The only PDF that worked is one from the examples. My other 2 PDFs (one generated from MS Word, and the other made from InDesign) both had none zero file sizes, however, acrobat is unable to read them. These PDFs contains both text and images.

Is there a specific subset of PDF versions that Aspose can work with?


Hi, John

Could you please send the PDFs or attach here? These will help us to fix this problem.


I’ve attached a sample PDF.

Hi John,

I have checked the pdf file that you sent and was able to reproduce the error that you specify. I will discuss this with the developers and we will Inform you of a solution as soon as possible.
