I’m using Aspose.Cells to create bill of materials extracts. Therefore, a user chooses a list of relevant columns. Based on these details the system creates a table header and writes all entries of the choosen bom. To populate each cell with an appropriate value I’m using the Cells.PutValue() method (ws.Cells[zeile, spalte].PutValue(wert);).
On the basis of the resulting file, a user try’s do set data filters. If you open the filter menu on a date column, you can pick each distinct date from a list. If I create a new excel file and enter some dates, I’m able to filter the date in a more hierarchical way (Year-Month-Day). How can I achieve this behavior in Aspose.Cells.
Please let us know if your issue is resolved. If you are still facing the problem, then please post it in a separate thread with your issue description, sample code, actual and expected output Excel files. We will investigate your issue and help you asap.