Enable to registerproperly a wrapper (COM) that is use in an classic asp application


We are using an aspose Wrapper (GestionnaireMSWord.dll) to use in VB that is call from asp page .

-We do a reagasm /codebase of the wrapper.

-Aspose.Words is installed by .msi

Result we are not able to call the library in asp.

On a developpement machine if VB is running it’s OK

So it seems that we are not able to register properly the Wrapper.

Have you the solution?

Truly yours,

We waiting for taht to present the solution to the customer and so to buy the product

Thanks you for your prompt answer



514 276 3934


Thanks for your inquiry. Please see the following link to learn how to create a wrapper to assist in calling Aspose.Words methods from classic ASP.

I hope this could help you.

Can you use Aspose.Words without wrapper in classic ASP?

Best regards.


This not solve our issue.

If we registrer on dev pc with VS2005 . It’s ok = properly registrer= the asp application run with Ok with the wrapper.dll

On an other machine using regasm or .msi = not working…

We waiting for that to present the solution to the customer and so to buy the product

Thanks you for your prompt answer


514 276 3934


Which version of .NET framework is installed? Have you tried to register ASpose.Words.dll in GAC?

gacutil /i C:\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Words\Bin\net2.0\Aspose.Words.dll

Hope this helps.

Best regards.


The version of the framework is 2.0

We just try to register aspose.dll in Gac and regasm warpper.dll / codebase = No change.

Thank you for more help

best regards


oups !

After rebooting the pc it works !!

Tell me i have to test on windows2000 mache . But No Gacutil . How i can do ?

Thanks again !


How to find gacutil for a windows 2000 server ?

Thank you


It works on Xp machine.

On windows 2000 we copy the gacutil.exe from the \sdk of .net framework 2.0 from the xp machine and do the gacutil

Result= it doesn’t work !!!

Can you help

Truly yours,



I think that you should install .NET Framework.

Best regards.


Recap: wok on XP machine , doesn’t work on windows 2000 serveur

On windows 2000 serveur we have:

Regasm de Ourwrapper.dll

Install the .net 2.0 SDK

do a gacutil /i for aspose.word and aspose.dll

result= it’s not work

we ghave

Remove aspose.word and aspose.dll from the gac and try a regasm /codebase for aspose.words and aspose.pdf

result= it’s not work

So we can’t make any demo for our customer !

Can you help ?

Truly yours,


I you read my last post ?

best regard



Sorry for delay, the reason is time difference. I’ll try to install win2000 on my side and test this.

Best regards.


I used the following steps.

  1. Install win2000 Professional SP4

  2. Install IIS

  3. Install Windows Installer (WindowsInstaller-KB884016-v2-x86)

  4. Install .NET Framework 2.0

  5. Install the latest version of Aspose.Words (

  6. Create Sample application.

All works fine.

  1. Create wrapper class

Also make assembly visible for COM (On the View menu, click Solution Explorer…In Solution Explorer, right-click the project that you want to build for COM interop, and then click Properties. Click Configuration Properties, and then click the Application node. Click to button the Assembly Information. Click to select the Make assembly COM-visible check box)

Also you should set strong name for assemble.

  1. Register assembly
cd C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
regasm C:\AsposeComWrapper.dll /codebase

Create sample page as the following.

Dim helper
Set helper = CreateObject("Aspose.Words.ComHelper")
Dim doc
Set doc = helper.Open("C:\Temp\in.doc")
Dim methods
Set methods = CreateObject("AsposeComWrapper.Methods")
Dim BR
BR = "<br>"
Dim element
For Each element in methods.GetFieldNames(doc)
Response.Write(element + BR)

And all works fine on my side.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.