Evaluating aspose words

Hi folks –
Please forward as necessary
We ( Canada life) have a business need to convert docx to PDF for letters. The letters have table structures as well as different font sizes for addressees. Also have to insert watermarks for letter copies. The theory is that we have a .NET ( 3.5 or 4) WCF Web Service which would use ASPOSE Words to convert the docx to PDF. Reliability is a big issue fort us. The letters are legally binding.
I’m evaluating the latest version of ASPOSE Words available for download to fulfil this requirement.
Atatched are two examples of docx files and their generated PDF. You’ll see three issues

  1. Formatting of the PDF has issues in both cases for the letter addresse info
  2. Tables aren’t generated
  3. Water mark formatting causes problems

I posted the above on your support forum also. Are we doing something wrong or is this an issue?
We would like to complete the evaluation very soon so any help appreciated on the above would be appreciated. You can contact me directly if you like.
Ciaran O’Connell
Solution Architect
Canada Life Ireland


Thanks for your request. I already answered this question in the following thread
Best regards,