Exportdatatable does not give right infos

When using aspose.cells fonction: worksheest.exportdatatable, it comes with wrong datavalues in the resultant datatable


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

Please provide your sample code with source input and output files. We will look into your issue and help you asap.

I attached the excel source file

My code source is as:

Workbook wbk = new Workbook();
Worksheets shts = wbk.Worksheets;
Aspose.Cells.Range fusion = shts.GetRangeByName(“trsfData”);
DataTable dt = fusion.ExportDataTable();
I just place a break point at debug time to see the reslt of the datatable and all field does not match with excel range


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

It seems you are using old APIs. Please download and use the latest version: Aspose.Cells
for .NET v7.4.3.1

We check the issues based on latest version only. All bug fixes are based on latest version only. Therefore we strongly recommend you to upgrade your code with the latest version.