Failed to set license. Details: Array cannot be null

Client receives the following error message when attempting to use the Aspose library

‘Failed to set license. Details: Array cannot be null’
Here is the log file dump of the error:
Error: Failed to set license. Details: Array cannot be null.
at .(Object )
at . ( )
at . ()
at .()
at .(Object )
at .()
at .(Object , UInt32 )
at .()
at .()
at . ()
at .(Object )
at .()
at .(Object , UInt32 )
at . ()
at .(Object[] , Type[] , Type[] , Object[] )
at Aspose.CAD.License.SetLicense(String licenseName)
at DiamondBuilder_Calcs.PdfGenerator.SetLicense() in C:\jenkins\workspace\us-east-1_DSB_Release_4.5.3\DiamondBuilder_Calcs\DiamondBuilder_Calcs\USP\PdfGenerator.cs:line 76
at DiamondBuilder_Calcs.ExcelUtils.CorrectExcel(String filePath) in C:\jenkins\workspace\us-east-1_DSB_Release_4.5.3\DiamondBuilder_Calcs\DiamondBuilder_Calcs\USP\ExcelUtils.cs:line 15
at DiamondBuilderUI.MainWindow.DoExcelExport(String path) in C:\jenkins\workspace\us-east-1_DSB_Release_4.5.3\UI\DiamondBuilderUI\MainWindow.xaml.cs:line 11876
at DiamondBuilderUI.MainWindow.UniversalSubmittalCommand_Executed(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) in C:\jenkins\workspace\us-east-1_DSB_Release_4.5.3\UI\DiamondBuilderUI\MainWindow.xaml.cs:line 14992
Object: Aspose.CAD
Function: Void (System.Object)
Extra data:
SmartStackFrames System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList`1[System.Object]

He is on windows 10 pro, 64 bit
We use Aspose.pdf

Ours is a .net application that uses 4.6 framework

thank you


The error looks related to Aspose.CAD. We are moving your inquiry to respective forum category where you will be assisted accordingly.

Please, follow this tutorial How to Send License File to Support Team and send license file to us privately so we can reproduce this issue on our side. Please post also here the code you are using to set license. Does this problem occur on more recent Aspose.CAD versions?

Just sent you the license.
Haven’t tried any other version.

Here is the code that we use to set the license:

public static void SetLicense()
var licensePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Utilities.ExecutablePath()), “Aspose.Total.lic”);
new Aspose.Pdf.License().SetLicense(licensePath);
new Aspose.CAD.License().SetLicense(licensePath);
new Aspose.Cells.License().SetLicense(licensePath);
new Aspose.Imaging.License().SetLicense(licensePath);
new Aspose.Words.License().SetLicense(licensePath);
IssLicenseSet = true;

could you please send license one more time as an attachment? We need the original *.lic file to do exactly what you are doing.

Could you please test this sample project, whether it works for you?
I used the same Aspose.CAD for .NET 20.1 version. Please, add the license file on your side (I have removed it from this project). (418.5 KB)