Fixed Col

Can I fix the first column of a sheet?

When I´m scrolling the sheet, the first column "disappears".

Thank you!


Thanks for considering Aspose.

Well, I think you may use FreezePanes() method of WebWorksheet class.


WebWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0];


Thank you.

Thanx for the tip... It really worked out.

But there´s still a minor problem:

When I implemented the FreezePane funtion, the vertical ScrollBar disappeared and the my webpage became really huge... I was hoping to keep both ScrollBars inside the component.

Thank you very much!


I don't find this problem. Could you give us some details like OS, .Net framework & VS.Net, Browser type, IIS Settings etc.

And which version of Aspose.Grid.Web you are using? Kindly upgrade to downloading @: <A href="</A> and try it. The zipped file contains Aspose.Grid.Web.dll file, htc file(s) and some javscript files, kindly just replace these files with the existing one in their related folders.</P> <P>Thank you.</P>

I´m using the 1.9.27 version of Aspose.Grid.Web.dll.

Windows Xp with Service Pack 2.

Internet explorer 7.

ASp.Net 2.0

Framework 2.0



Some of my configurations are:

Windows Xp.

Internet explorer 6.

Asp.Net 1.x and Asp.Net 2.0

Frameworkk 1.x and Framework 2.0

And I find no problem at all. Could you test it with IE 6. I don't have IE7 on my pc.

If the problem still persists, kindly create a sample test project, zip it and post us here to show the issue.

Thank you.


I think that you may freeze too many columns. If the width of all of the frozen columns is larger than the grid's width, the display will be wrong.

I had tested with Internet Explorer 6 and I haven´t problemn.

I think that problemn just apears in Internet Explorer 7.

Is there any solution??



Thanks for your info, we will check and fix it soon.

Thank you.


Please try the XhtmlMode with IE7.

Add the following line to the top of the aspx file:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

And set the GridWeb.XhtmlMode property to true.


I did it, but the problemn continus!
Is there other solution??

Thank you!


Actually we don't find this problem, We will investigate and get back to you soon.

Thank you.


So, I really need this function to work fine!!
´Cause I have 36 columns and 277 rows. My code is:

GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0].FreezePanes(2, 1, 2, GridWeb1.MaxColumn);

GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0].FreezePanes(0, 1, 0, 1);

GridWeb1.Width = 100%

GridWeb1.Height = 480px

When I use this code the gridweb expands and my webpage becames huge, with both scrollbars. The component´s bars and the Internet Explorer´s bars.

It´s not helpfull when I need to scroll the inernet explorer´s webpage with a fixed row because it disappears anyway.

Thank you.


Here is the defination of the method "FreezePanes":

public void FreezePanes(
int row,
int column,
int rowNumber,
int columnNumber

The [rowNumber] should equal to or less than the [row]. And also the [columnNumber] should equal to or less than [column]. So I think your code is wrong at this line:

GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0].FreezePanes(2, 1, 2, GridWeb1.MaxColumn);

Ok, I´ll verify my code. But if I comment the line

GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0].FreezePanes(2, 1, 2, GridWeb1.MaxColumn);

and just keep the


The problemn continuos...


Does this problem only occur in IE7?


Now I´m using the versin. I´ve just tested with Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7, and the problemn ocurr in both versions.

My code:

GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0].FreezePanes(0, 1, 0, 1);

Just to remember, I have 277 rows and 60 columns!!

Thank you


Well, It looks strange as I don't find this problem at all.

Any how we will further investigate and check why this problem happens on your machine.

Thank you.

I can sand a little exemplo for you! What do you think??

I can send a little exemplo for you! What do you think??