GetThumbnail() method returns preview with squares instead of Chinese characters in slide.
Dear Stanislav,
Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Slides.
I feel there may be some issue with missing font rendering support. Please share the problematic presentation with us so that we may investigate further to help you out. We appreciate your cooperation in advance.
Thanks and Regards,
Presentation is attached
Dear Stanislav,
I have worked with the presentation shared by you and have been able to successfully able to generate the slide thumbnail using Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.3.0. For your kind information, I have attached the generated thumbnail as well.
Thanks and Regards,
I use the same version of Aspose.Slides, but unfortunately it makes wrong previews (see attached image please)…
Dear Stanislav,
I feel you may be missing "Arial" Font in your machine and that is why you are experiencing the rendering issue. Can you please verify that your support for East Asian Languages is installed in your machine.
Thanks and Regards,
Thanks a lot!
One more question:
Dear Stanislav,
I have worked with the presentation file shared by you and have been able to reproduce the issue as specified by you using Aspose.Slides for Java 2.4.0. It seems to be an inconsistency in Aspose.Slides for Java and needs further investigation. An issue with ID 20895 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the problem. This thread has also been linked with the issue, so that you may be automatically notified, once the issue is resolved.
We are sorry for your inconvenience,
Thanks a lot!
Can you please advice what is the estimated fix date for this issue? This is quite critical to me as the application I'm developing need to work with Chinese presentations.
Best regards,
Stanislav Kopyshev
Dear Stanislav,
You will be really pleased to know that the issue specified by you has been resolved. Our development team is currently in testing the fixed issue. We are hopeful to share the fix with you as soon as the testing is successfully completed and it may take some days. We really appreciate your patience for that.
Thanks and Regards,
Thank you! I'm looking forward to have a new version of Aspose.Java to be incorportated into our application.
Chinese previews are still broken, please find a presenation and generated preview in attachment.
(This was previouly reported in a wrong thread, now i report it here)
Slides extracted from ppt by Aspose.Slides for Java can't be read by Aspose.Slides for .Net
Alexander Rykov
Dear Alexander,
I am extremely sorry for the delayed response.
I have been able to reproduce the issue shared by you and was in discussion with our development team about the Chineese characters rendering issues. Our development team is still working over this issue. As soon as some information is shared by them, I will be obliged to share that with you.
Thanks and Regards,
Hello Alexander,
We have investigated the issue with china.ppt rendering. I’m afraid that is not Aspose.Slides problem. I will explain.
There is Arial font used for Chinese text. At first, we render it with Aspose.Slides and get image without text. See attached image china_2_arial.png and screenshot of PowerPoint china_2_arial.png. Arial font was successfully found but it doesn’t have have glyphs for hieroglyphs at all. Btw, on PowerPoint screenshot you see that some hieroglyphs are Bold although all characters have the same formatting. Most probably that is because PowerPoint also can’t find necessary glyphs in Arial font.
After that we replace font in the presentation with Japanese MS PGothic. See attached image china_2_mspgothic.png and PowerPoint screenshot china_2_mspgothic_pp.png. This font contains some Chinese characters and they are rendered fine.
Now replace font with Arial Unicode MS of SimSun. All hieroglyphs are rendered on the thumbnail. See images china_2_arialunicodems.png and china_2_simsun.png. And also PowerPoint screenshot china_2_arialunicodems_pp.png.
So, this issue is just wrong font used in the presentation.
I would suggest also update Aspose.Slides for Java. We posted latest 2.4.2 hot fix version today. You can download it here or in this thread.
Hi Alexey,
at least we have some hints to test and see.
But how does it go in line with treatment mentioned above which works for .Net. Mudassir recommended to use ARIAL with East Asia Language option turned on. It seems it works on Windows Server.
Here you say it is the problem in powerpoint but we now have a case where Arial works fine on Windows but not on RHEL.
Did you considered this fact.
getThumbnail() rendering in Aspose.Slides uses standard .NET and Java text drawing functionality. .NET Framework can automatically substitute fonts in case glyphs for some characters are not found. Unfortunately the same doesn’t work in Java.
Hello Alex,
what do you mean by "replacing font" we have tried following scenarios but it does not work:
1. open china.ppt change font on all slides to Arial Unicode MS
2. uploaded through .Java on backend server, no characters rendered in preview just squares
1. open china.ppt change Slide Master and change font in template to Arial Unicode MS. Also changed font in the presentation itself.
2. uploaded, no char rendered just squares (you see this presentation in attachement)
Thank you,
I’m sorry, I thought we talk about Windows server. For correct fonts rendering text on Linux it’s also necessary to install Eastern fonts. At first, on SUSE it’s pullin-msttf-fonts package. Probably RHEL should have something similar. Also it’s good idea to copy all true type fonts together with Eastern ones from Windows. I mean if you set Arial Unicode MS font in the presentation you should also have it installed on the server.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESJAVA-20895) have been fixed in this update.
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