GridWeb Need Help


Hi Aspose Team,

could you please help me on this GridWeb, i have an single excel file with 10 sheets..i need to bind the single sheet (Say Sheet5) in GridWeb when importing the ImprotExcelFile method in page load...but 10 tabs sheet name should display below on the screen. when i click on each tab its should bind the data according to the sheets in the GridWeb.

Is this possible in this tool....Can u plase advice on this..?




Thanks for using Aspose.Cells for GridWeb.

Well, this feature is not supported by the component. When you will import the workbook using ImportExcelFile() method, it will load the entire workbook with all the worksheets.

However, as a workaround, you should use Aspose.Cells alongwith Aspose.Cells for GridWeb.

You should import the data into a dataset/datatable and then bind the dataset/datatable with your grid. It might not fulfill your needs completely but might help you to find some workaround.

Please see the Databinding GridWeb demos from the following link.

Please also download and use the latest version: Aspose.Cells for GridWeb v2.7.12.2001

1 , In My Excel file having Macros and VBA Code script...when i import this excel file to gridweb, Macros and VBA code in excel are not getting reflected inside the GridWeb Excel. Can u advice on this Pls.

I am afraid, this feature is not supported by both Aspose.Cells and Aspose.Cells.GridWeb. Both of them cannot execute or modify the Macros and VBA Code script.


2. In GridWeb after importing my excel file if i change the values in cell A1 as value 66 simultaneously in B1 cell values 66 should be displayed or updated in the same worksheet. Can u pls give some suggestion on this two quries.

Well, Aspose.Cells for GridWeb will not automatically calculate your values. You will have to manually press the tick button or you will have to submit the gridweb data via postback to make it calculated.

You can choose to do full postback or you can do a partial postback using Ajax.

After postback you will call the following method to run all the formulas.



1) I am afraid, Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control does not support to crate retain/read or execute Macros/VBA codes, so when you import the Excel file to it, it will exclude VBA code or Macros in the template file.

2) I think you may try MS Ajax feature provided by the GridWeb control for your requirement, see the demo for your reference:

If you do not like to use Ms Ajax feature, you have to click on submit button to recalculate all the formulas in the worksheet(s).

Thank you.


Thanks !!

Can we make bottom sheet tab on top ? If yes how can we configure?




Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.

Do you want to display the sheets tabs on the top of the gridweb screen which are shown at the bottom?

Please clarify.

If I am right, this feature is not available so it cannot be configured too.

We might add a New Feature Request for it in our database if it is what you are seeking.


Thanks !

I am facing the problem with calculating the formula.

1. When I am putting the Aspose.Cell.Gridweb inside the update panel and I am trying to modify some cell values then that refence formula not being calculated.

2. Actually I want to display the worksheet as per tabcontainer (AjaxControlToolKit) tab clicks. At this time am able to show the sheets as per visible property. But unable to see the recalculate formula values. So could you please guide me weather this tool is being comfortable with AjaxControlToolKit or not ?





Thanks !

I am facing the problem with calculating the formula.

1. When I am putting the Aspose.Cell.Gridweb inside the update panel and I am trying to modify some cell values then that refence formula not being calculated.


Once you have done postback, you must call RunAllFormulas() method to get the correct results.


2. Actually I want to display the worksheet as per tabcontainer (AjaxControlToolKit) tab clicks. At this time am able to show the sheets as per visible property. But unable to see the recalculate formula values. So could you please guide me weather this tool is being comfortable with AjaxControlToolKit or not ?



Aspose.Cells for GridWeb works fine with AJAX. Many customers have implemented AJAX solution with GridWeb. So you should not be facing any issue while using AjaxControlToolKit.

Please see the following thread(s) if it could be any help for you.

Hi Team,

Thanks for your information.

I have one clarification can u help it.

Is it possible to save GridWeb excel file into XML File?

After some Calculation in XML File i can display xml to Gridweb...?

Kindly Advice.



Hi Team,

Thanks for your information.

I have one clarification can u help it.

Is it possible to save GridWeb excel file into XML File?

After some Calculation in XML File i can display xml to Gridweb...?

Kindly Advice.




Well, Aspose.Cells.GridWeb does support to read and write SpreadsheetML (.xml file) file, you may try it if it fits your needs.

Methods of WebWorksheets that you may try:
  • LoadSpreadSheetMLFile
  • SaveSpreadSheetMLFile
  • ImportExcelFile
  • SaveToExcelFile
Thank you.


After implementing the method "SaveSpreadSheetMLFile" the below error is throwing:

Unable to cast object of type 'Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.Data.Picture' to type 'System.Collections.SortedList'.

Actually we are having a image file inside the file.So could you please guide us how to handle this situation?




Well, I am afraid and I think it is the restriction of MS Excel that it cannot render pictures/images in SpreadsheetML (XML Spreadsheet 2003) file. You may confirm it in MS Excel (manually).

So, when you save the file into SpreadsheetML format by GridWeb, it will throw error.

Thanks for your understanding!

Hi All,

Thanks a lot,

we can able to hide or unhide the excel column in Gridweb.?

Kindly advice.

Thanks & Regards,

Gawaskar N.


Yes, you can hide/unhide the column in the worksheet programmatically, see the sample code.

Sample code:

WebWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0];
//Set the first column’s width to 0 to hide it
sheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(0, new Unit(0, UnitType.Point));

Similarly using SetColumnWidth() method you may unhide a column by specifying your desired width.

Thank you.

Thanks Amjad... Its working i can able to hide the columns now..Thanks a lot..!

One more clarification, Validation can be done on GridWeb For particular cell (Ex:After loading the Excel Inside the GridWeb particular Cell A5 should be only character if i type number any pop up message should display).?

Is this can be achived in Gridweb?

Please help.



Hi All,

Please provide the solution as per attached screenshot.





Hi All,

Please provide the solution as per attached screenshot.



Please see the post as I have already told you the reason for the error:



One more clarification, Validation can be done on GridWeb For particular cell (Ex:After loading the Excel Inside the GridWeb particular Cell A5 should be only character if i type number any pop up message should display).?

Is this can be achived in Gridweb?

I think you may use Custom Validation type of GridWeb control, for reference see the demo:

//Aspx page

You may write your custom function in JavaScript in the way as below e.g

function myvalidation1(source, value)



return true;


return false;



//.cs file

// Forces validation.

GridWeb1.ForceValidation = true;

WebWorksheets sheets = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets;

WebCells cells = sheets[0].Cells;

// Custom function

WebCell cell = cells["A5"];

cell.CreateValidation(ValidationType.CustomFunction, true);

cell.Validation.ClientValidationFunction = "myvalidation1";

Thank you.


Thanks for using Aspose.Cells for GridWeb.

If you set EnableAJAX=“True” the formula value will be updated after cell value changes.

If you set EnableAJAX=“False” and click the “submit edit result and recalculate all formulas” button which is at the left bottom corner, then the formula value will be updated.

We have checked, Ajax Mode works in all major browsers like IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc.


We are using the license version upto 10 march 2011.So could you please tell us what is the latest version and what are the changes has been made against to that and location of the updated version.




There is not much significant changes since March 2011. The Grid controls are same with existing APIs with lots of enhancements and fixes. The latest version of GridWeb is v2.7.12.xxxx that is packaged into the Aspose.Cells for .NET package version v7.3.3:

Thank you.