Installing License Files

I’ve purchased and installedAspose Total. I have the file but am still getting a watermark on all of my documents. Where is this lic file supposed to go? I put it in my web apps bin directory but it still doesn’t work. Sorry I looked but couldn’t find any documentation on this.

Evaluation only, garbage text in the document is part of the evaluation watermark. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2006 Aspose Pty Ltd.


Thank you for your post and recent purchase. The following URL provides an outline on how to reference your license file from within your custom application: … Please be sure to let me know if that does not resolve the problem and I will be more than glad to assist further.

Thanks Danny

That cleared up the problems with words. Now I am having a problem with the PDF.

I am using :

doc.Save(xmlStream, SaveFormat.FormatAsposePdf);

To save the document to a pdf file and sending it via email attachment to my clients. “doc” is a one page word document. The page converts to pdf and looks great but somehow a second page is being inserted into my PDF File with a large “Insert your Logo Here” image right in the center of it. Is this another licensing issue?




I have moved this post to our Aspose.Pdf section. A developer will help you shortly with your question. Thank you for your patience.

If you do not use the latest version of Aspose.Words, please update the component for avoiding unexpected errors.

However the problem still exits after updating, please provide the word document which can reproduce the same error.

You will get reply soon after I investigate it.

I have upgraded and the problem still exists

Please send the license and code to Kevin and let us check it.

I already have. I recieved this back in email from kevin.:

have reproduced the error and found it is caused by Aspose.Words in the generated intermediary xml document. You can find the “logo” image refered as:

I will report this issue to Aspose.Words and a developer will respond you shorlty.

Do you guys need anything else from me?

Dear Brian,

We have reported this problem to the Aspose.Words team. You can contact them directly if you are urgent.

Dear Brian,

The picture you see on the second page of resulting PDF is actually a list bullet picture which is part of document list definitions. The list definition which has this bullet picture is not used anywhere in the document but the picture itself is incorrectly interpreted by current implementation of our document reader as an image inside a last paragraph of the document. That is a known issue and is logged as #1122 in our defect base. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, as a workaround, I can help you to clean up your template from this bullet picture so that the conversion to PDF will go on correctly. Please attach the template here in this thread and I will mail you a corrected document.

Best regards,

We have released a new version of Aspose.Words that contains a fix for your issue.

issue #1122 - The list bullet picture defined for lists is incorrectly interpreted as shape inside a paragraph.

The new version of Aspose.Words is available for download from here.

Best regards.

This link appears to be dead? trying to activate… Thanks dave

Hi David,

The updated link is:

Please let me know if you run into any other problems.