JasperReports highcharts as empty spot in report

JasperSoft professional HTML5 reports (Highcharts) are not shown in the Word document generated with Aspose for Word.
The parallel generated default Word document does contain these charts.
Both document are generated in one run.

We generate the reports straight from Java and used the latest version of Aspose for Word version: 18.1. Also we use the 6.4 version of the JasperReports library.


Thanks for your inquiry. Could you please share some more detail about your query? Please share which Aspose.Words product you are using. Are you converting HTML to DOCX using Aspose.Words for Java?

Please share your input and output documents here for testing. We will investigate the issue and provide you more information about your query.

I’m using Aspose.Words for JasperReports, version 18.1 which I downloaded yesterday.
We generate the report straight in Java and not with the JasperReports server.

I could send you an Eclipse Java example project like it did before to your email account. Is that ok?
This program generates the normal Word document and the Aspose Word document from the same query and the same JRPRINT file.


Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, you can share the Java code example and JRXML/JRPRINT file for testing. Thanks for your cooperation.

PS: To attach these resources, please zip and upload them.

Hi Tahir,

I send a sample project to your email address. Uploading was problematic last time.
So please check your personal email account at aspose.com.
Is was send with WeTransfer.com


Thanks for sharing the detail. We are investigating this issue and will get back to you soon.


Thanks for your patience. We have tested the scenario and have managed to reproduce the same issue at our side. For the sake of correction, we have logged this problem in our issue tracking system as WORDSJR-228. You will be notified via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.

We apologize for your inconvenience.


Can you please give me an update on this issue.

In December 2017 / Januari 2018 we both bought JasperReports Professional and Aspose.
As a result of this bug we have not been able to use the Aspose reports for a single day until now.

It’s get difficult to explain to our management why we did this investment. Please help!


Thanks for your inquiry. We try our best to deal with every customer request in a timely fashion, we unfortunately cannot guarantee a delivery date to every customer issue. We work on issues on a first come, first served basis. We feel this is the fairest and most appropriate way to satisfy the needs of the majority of our customers.

The issue you reported is a missing feature of Aspose.Words for JasperReports. We will look into the possibility of implementation of this feature. Once the analysis of this feature is completed, we will then update you via this thread. We apologize for your inconvenience.

You reported this issue in free support forum and it will be treated with normal priority. To speed up the progress of issue’s resolution, we suggest you please check our paid support policies from following link.
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