Loading large Excel file is slow in Aspose.Cells.GridWeb in .NET

Thank you for the last response about the compatibility with 2007. Now i have a problem loading an excel file with 10 sheets and plenty of formulas. It takes around 3 MINUTES. When i load a simple file it`s OK, but working with large file with lots of calculations it`s awfully slow!

Am i doing something wrong or the grid is not suitable for large and complicated files?


Thanks for considering Aspose.

Sure! the grid can handle large files. Some of our users use GridWeb to work with larger files. We always try to optimize the performance with every new release of the control. Which version of Aspose.Grid.Web you are using, kindly try the latest version:

The large data processing is a great challenge in the web scenario. But there are still some ways to negotiate it. Do you just want to display the data into the grid, and you don't want to modify the data, you may disable the grid's session mode. e.g.., GridWeb1.EnableSession = false;
GridWeb1.EnableViewState = false; if will certainly enhance your performance.

Related formatting cells, are you individually sets the styles of each cells, there is a way to reduce the number of the instances in this regard. If you sheet contains large number of cells that have the same style, you may build a style object and assign it to all the cells.

Aspose.GridWeb.TableItemStyle style = new Aspose.Grid.Web.TableItemStyle();

// set the style's values

style.Color = ...


// in a loop

cell.Style = style;

If you are loading a large file, you may use grid's paging feature, it will certainly reduce loading data time and can enhance the performance

Do you save the grid's session data in sql or other data source? For large amount of data, that will be hign cost, for the grid will serialize and deserialize the data upon each request.

And, do you find the formula calculations take lots of time? if so, could you give us more details how do you set and which formulas you are applying.

We appreciate if you could create a sample test project to show the issue, zip it and post it here. We will check it soon. And we will continue our work to enhance the component related performance.

Thank you.

I can not provide you with a sample project. I don`t know exactly what version I`m using. I downloaded the evaluation one.

I don`t want just to read the data, I also need to do a lot of modifications. In addition, my paging size is 10.

I`ll check the link that you gave me.


Large amount of error reference formulas may slow down the grid performance. Please check your excel file and eliminate the errors. And you may post your file or send it to us by using any of the ways mentioned in the following article: