My old topics can be searched for but returned 500 when opening the pages


When I wanted to visit the below 3 topics/tickets I previously created, I found the pages returned 500 error
image.png (14.5 KB)

When I searched for the topic titles I could still see the pages in the search result list, but I cannot open them.

Could you please help me check?



I have noticed the same issue at my end when I tried to access these threads. This is strange, so let me investigate this matter and I’ll get back to you with further details.


You should be able to access the threads now. There was an issue with our linked issue tracker, and that’s why you might not be able to see the issue status yet. We’re working on fixing that issue and it the status will be visible soon as well. However, you can still check the thread and get in touch with the support team via those threads.


You should be able to view the issue status as well. This issue is fully resolved now.


I’m now able to visit all of the topics now, thanks for your help!