No suitable system fonts found

I’m using the pdf library in order to convert a PDF to PNG.
When i run it on windows it works perfectly but once i use docker container that runs Linux i get the following exception:
Unhandled exception. System.Exception: No suitable system fonts found
at #=z1DrOFh79Dc8U9Flq8I7GvFzR_R$G.#=zKQpzbf74s4o3(#=zBKkE1cB2ATwjZFEAMzYMJZMBvvksIZzDyg== #=z2aDBcZc=)
at #=z1DrOFh79Dc8U9Flq8I7GvFzR_R$G.#=zDPfvUN8=(#=zoZbZ78XusXM_nzRHEWgXZbEII$uJO5J2GinSeIqR_PyD& #=zOVin65g=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Devices.ImageDevice.#=zDPfvUN8=(Page #=zIpbuGsQ=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Devices.PngDevice.Process(Page page, Stream output)

Here is my code:
var images = new List<byte[]>();
var image = new PngDevice(new Resolution(200));
var filePath = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[1];
var data = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
using var docStream = new MemoryStream(data);
using var pdfDocument = new Document(docStream);
for(int i = 1; i <= pdfDocument.Pages.Count; i++)
using var pageImageStream = new MemoryStream();
image.Process(pdfDocument.Pages[i], pageImageStream);
Console.WriteLine(“Finished converting”);
var resFilesPath = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[2];
for (int i = 0; i < images.Count; i++)
File.WriteAllBytes(@$"{resFilesPath}/image-{i}.png", images[i]);
Console.WriteLine(“Finished writing”);

Many thanks,

This aspect is writed in in the section Working with .NET Core DLLs in Non-Windows Environment.
To work on Linux, you should use the Aspose.Pdf.Drawing library (instead of Aspose.Pdf) - it works better under Linux and does not require installing the libgdiplus package.
Next, you should install the package with Microsoft compatible fonts + the fonts you use. Or place fonts in the docker image and point the library to them by placing them as the very first operator working with the library

Aspose.Pdf.Text.FontRepository.Sources.Add(new FolderFontSource("<user's path to ms fonts>"));