Nullpointerexception at SlideCollection.addclone method

Hi Team,

We are facing an issue with the method ‘SlideCollection.addClone’ method. We are using Aspose.slides 16.9.0 for java.

The code works in Windows but fails in Linux machine.

Can anyone please help in this, this has become a blocker issue for us.

This is similar to this post: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

Unfortunately, I will not be able to share the source code with you, tell me if a webex readonly session is possible.

Hi Team,

There is an update, I am getting similar issues with methods and FontsLoader.loadExternalFonts().

There is another thread where there is a similar issue on Linux. FontsLoader.loadExternalFonts crashes

In windows, all three methods(‘’, ‘FontsLoader.loadExternalFonts()’,‘SlideCollection.addclone()’) are working fine without any issues.

Only getting these issues in Linux.


I have observed your comments. I request you to please use Aspose.Slides latest version on your end if there is still an issue please share source presentation , source code so that we may help you out.

Best Regards,

Hi Team,
We will be trying with the new jars.
But if the issue persists, we will not be able to share code with you. We can do webex screen sharing session. Please tell me if that is possible.


I have observed your comments. I request you to pleases share anything you can which help us to further investigate issue in details.

Best Regards,

Hi Team, we tried with the new Aspose.slides Jar version 16.11 and also an older version 16.2
The same issue persists in Linux but works in Windows.
As mentioned before, we cannot share any code.
We can do a webex screen sharing session to explain the issue.


I have observed your comments. Can you please share stack trace of exception so we can investigate that to help you out.

Best Regards,

Hi Team,

We cannot share code or stack trace. The only possibility to explain the issue is that we can do a webex read only screen sharing session. Please if you can help in this. This has become little urgent for us.


I have observed your comments. I like to inform that for this kind of any communication we need permission from superiors. We have discussed this issue with our team. We will share feedback with you soon.

Best Regards,

Hi Team,

Any update on the above query?

Hi Nikhil,

I have observed your requirements and like to share that the support is available in forums as per policy. We may not offer support via web sessions. In order to reproduce and resolve the issue, we need working sample project, source presentations and complete platform environment information to reproduce the issue on our end. Please share the requested information so that we may proceed further in helping you out.

Also, from information that you have shared that things are working in Windows but failing in Linux. This may be due missing fonts in Linux environment. You can try copying the fonts from Windows machine and loading them externally in your application before loading the presentation files. This is a suggestion that you may try on your end but if this won’t work then please share the requested information so that we may help you further.

Many Thanks,

Hi Team,

Thanks for the update.

Regarding the missing fonts suggestion, i tried to load fonts externally fonts but as mentioned before, the method ‘FontsLoader.loadExternalFonts()’ also fails in Linux and not in Windows.

Hi Nikhil,

Can you please share working sample project, source presentations and complete platform environment information to reproduce the issue on our end. Please share the requested information so that we may proceed further in helping you out.

Best Regards,

Hi Team,

Thanks for the update.
In order to share we are working to send the files, but we will need an email id where we can send the attachments. We cannot attach the files on this thread.

Hi Nikhil,

Can you please share your files on this email address. I like to inform that Aspose always give priority to customer privacy.

Best Regards,