PPT and PPTX issues

Hi Team,
Also I noticed that the text justification in the title block seems to be different (than the original PPT file). It seems like the original file had center justified, and the stamped file has left justified. If you look at the stamped PDF from this file (on the Production server)… text justification matches the original PPT file there… but on STG, it seems like it was changed.
We found some Font size and Font allignemnt changes after used the latest aspose jar(aspose.slides-14.4.0.jar)
In production Agile, when I select some text from table on page 3, it shows that the text is Times New Roman and font size is 14.
On STG, when I select some text from that same table, it shows text is Gentium Basic and size is 18.
As a result, the text doesn’t fit the cells, and you get word wrapping in STG results (where there was no word wrapping on Production server).
Also I noticed that the text justification in the title block seems to be different (than the original PPT file). It seems like the original file had center justified, and the stamped file has left justified. If you look at the stamped PDF from this file (on the Production server)… text justification matches the original PPT file there… but on STG, it seems like it was changed.
In STg We found some Font size and Font allignemnt changes after used the latest aspose jar(aspose.slides-14.4.0.jar)

Hi Noel,

Thank you for the details.

Please share the environment details of your staging and production servers i.e. OS, JDK version etc. This will help us in identifying the cause of the issue you are facing. We will further test your issue based on the environment details and will get back to you.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi Team,

Production java version is 1.5 updated 16. and OS is 1014

In Stg is java1.7 and OS 1015


Hi Noel,

Thank you for the feedback.

However, I am not very clear about the details you shared. What do you mean by OS 1014 and 1015? We need the information regarding operating system you are using i.e. Windows, Linux etc. and it’s version like Windows 2008 R2 etc. Also, for JDK version, please share the detailed version i.e. v1.7.0_40.

Thanks & Regards,

STG Environment detials : jdk, 1.7.0 : Redhat linux 5.5

Prod Environment detials : jdk, 1.5_16 : Sun OS 5.10

STG Environment detials : jdk 1.7.0_45 : Redhat linux 5.5

Prod Environment detials : jdk 1.5_16 : Sun OS 5.10

Hi Noel,

Thank you for the details.

Thank you for the details. I checked your issue with the latest version of Aspose.Slides for Java v14.6.0 and I am unable to reproduce the issue on my windows environment with JDK version 1.7.0_40 and 1.7.0_51. Please download and try the latest version and if you still face the issue, we will further investigate the issue with Redhat linux environment.

Thanks & Regards,

Thank you for the details.

Local standlone code is working fine for PPT/PPTx rendenring into PDF format.

But in Redhat linux environment that is not working.we found overlap issues and size alterations.

pls find the attached the logs.

Hi Sachin,

Thank you for sharing the files.

However, I checked the issue on a linux environment and I don’t find any overlapping issues and size alteration. Could you please be more specific regarding the issues you are mentioning. We will check it accordingly and get back to you soon.

Thanks & Regards,

Please find the attached screen shots.Please let me know if you need more information.

Hi Sachin,

Thank you for the details.

Regarding the font issue, I checked by installing the “Calibri” font in my Linux environment and the issue gets resolved. Please check and install the font at your end. The issue regarding text overlapping issue still exists and an issue with issue id: SLIDESJAVA-34531 has been registered in our issue tracking system. You will be notified via this forum thread once the issue gets resolved.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi ,

Regarding text overlapping issue,How much time it will take to resolve the issue.?

Is there any workaround for this.?


1. Regarding text overlapping issue,How much time it will take to resolve the issue.?

Is there any workaround for this.?

2. Reg Calibri font in the current exising production with very old aspose jars(aspose.slides.jar) we are not facing this issue.

The same fonts what ever is there in prodcution same is there in my current env where am testing with new latest aspose jar(aspose.slides-14.6.0.jar)

3. How do download and instal the new fonts like Calibri ?

4. For each and every font we need to instal the fonts ?


1. Regarding text overlapping issue,How much time it will take to resolve the issue.?

Is there any workaround for this.?

2. Reg Calibri font in the current exising production with very old aspose jars(aspose.slides.jar) we are not facing this issue.

The same fonts what ever is there in prodcution same is there in my current env where am testing with new latest aspose jar(aspose.slides-14.6.0.jar)

3. How do download and instal the new fonts like Calibri ?

4. For each and every font we need to instal the fonts ?

5 what about the image missing for Tools symbol ?


1. Regarding text overlapping issue,How much time it will take to resolve the issue.?

Is there any workaround for this.?

2. Reg Calibri font in the current exising production with very old aspose jars(aspose.slides.jar) we are not facing this issue.

The same fonts what ever is there in prodcution same is there in my current env where am testing with new latest aspose jar(aspose.slides-14.6.0.jar)

3. How do download and instal the new fonts like Calibri ?

4. For each and every font we need to instal the fonts ?

5. What about Tools image missing.? Pls refer the yesterday attachments.


pls find the inpuit files

Hi Sachin,

Please check the replies as per your questions.


1. Regarding text overlapping issue,How much time it will take to resolve the issue.?

Is there any workaround for this.?

Well, the issue is just registered in the issue tracking system and it is pending for further scheduling on development team’s end. All issues are scheduled on first come and first serve basis. Your issue will be scheduled for further investigation at it’s due turn.


2. Reg Calibri font in the current exising production with very old aspose jars(aspose.slides.jar) we are not facing this issue.

The same fonts what ever is there in prodcution same is there in my current env where am testing with new latest aspose jar(aspose.slides-14.6.0.jar)

Well, as I checked after installing the font, the file is converting fine at my end as per the font issue is concerned.


3. How do download and instal the new fonts like Calibri ?

You can download the font from the web and use it in your Linux.


4. For each and every font we need to instal the fonts ?

If you want to use a font which is not installed on the system, please refer to the below link for details.

Using Custom fonts without installing them


5. What about Tools image missing.? Pls refer the yesterday attachments.

Yes, I am able to see the issue regarding the missing Tool icon in the generated PDF file. An issue has been registered in our issue tracking system with issue id: SLIDESJAVA-34533. We will notify you via this forum thread once the issue gets resolved.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi Team,

In PPT also we observed some more issues.Please refer the attached sheets with yellow colour shade.

Issue 1: Number relaced with * (pls refer stamped file.Png)

Issue 2 : Table format issue. (Please refer Table issues.png)

Please refer the input also M1143654_A.PPT
