Regarding license expiry [perpectual license]

We are using Aspose.Total for Java with perpectual license
And our license subscription expiry date is expired.

So we need to renew the license each year?
What is the process to raise a renew request?


Please note that Aspose license types are perpetual. For your information, a perpetual license for an API allows you to use the API indefinitely. This means you pay a one-time fee for it and can use it forever, as long as you use the API version that is published before your license expiry date. An annual subscription is optional if you need to use the latest API version after your subscription expiry date.

You may either use Purchase module directly or request it in Aspose.Purchase section by posting a new query/thread. You may also inquire, discuss and get more details by posting in Aspose.Purchase section where one of our sales staff members will assist you soon.


This means you pay a one-time fee for it and can use it forever, as long as you use the API version that is published before your license expiry date.

FYI : Our Aspose.Total for Java with perpectual license Subscription Expiry date is 2023/06/28.

While using Aspose version 23.4 / 23.5 which is released before our Subscription Expiry date, Aspose evaluation watermark is being dispalyed for Slides.

Could you confirm why Aspose version 23.5 is not included in our subscription?


Thanks for your confirmation on the evaluation watermark issue for Aspose.Slides.

Sure, your subscription allows you to use any version (23.4 / 23.5) with your existing license. I will involve one of my colleagues from Aspose.Slides team to evaluate and check your issue. He will soon get back to you.

In the meantime, could you please send the license file via private message. Please see the document and follow the guidelines on how to send license file for your reference:

@amjad.sahi ,

We have send the license file via private message.
Kindly confirm and handle it with care


Thank you for sending us the license via private message as requested.

We have received your license file and will look into it soon. By the way, do you find the issue of evaluation watermark embedded for the Aspose.Slides API only, or do you also encounter this issue with other APIs, please elaborate and specify?

@amjad.sahi ,

By the way, do you find the issue of evaluation watermark embedded for the Aspose.Slides API only, or do you also encounter this issue with other APIs, please elaborate and specify?

We found the issue of evaluation watermark embedded for the Aspose.Slides API only.

Thank you for your confirmation. We will evaluate and investigate your issue from the Aspose.Slides perspective. We will get back to you with updates soon.

Previously, some licensing issues in Aspose.Slides for Java were fixed. You should remove the Aspose.Slides for Java JAR packages manually and install it again. This should help. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

@andrey.potapov ,
Thank you for the information.
We have removed the Aspose.Slides for Java JAR packages manually and installed again, now watermark issue is resolved.

We are glad that the issue has been resolved on your end. Thank you for using Aspose.Slides.