Resolving Font properties of text in pptx

I’m trying to work out the font details of a pieces of text from a PPTX file (for a PortionEx), and pretty much all of the properties of the TextCharacterPropertiesEx are null (or NullableBool.NotDefined). Now the XML documentation then says that this means that the property isn’t overriden locally and you should inherit from the ‘master’, but it’s not entirely clear what that means - for instance there are DefaultCharacterProperties available on the Paragraph, the ‘BodyStyle’ on the MasterSlide which Contains TextStyleLevels and possibly more that I haven’t found yet!

Can you provide a piece of sample c# code that will show how to evaluate the font name, font size and (say) the font boldness for a particular text PortionEx, since it’s not at all clear how this should be done.

thanks in advance.


Hello Robin,

In future releases all text properties will return correct values with automatic inheritance from master. Now such inheritance simply is not implemented yet. This feature has high priority and most probably will be available in the next release at the beginning of November.

Thanks for making this a priority.

Is there anywhere in the api which will allow us to get the master properties and match them to the individual paragraphs ourselves? MasterSlideEx.getBodyStyle().getDefaultParagraphProperties() doesn't seem to give me what I want.

Also, this needs to be added to the Java library asap. Thanks. :)

Hello Robin,

In future releases all text properties will return correct values with automatic inheritance from master. Now such inheritance simply is not implemented yet. This feature has high priority and most probably will be available in the next release at the beginning of November.

Hi Alexey,

thanks for the update - looking forward to seeing this in the next version. There are currently some other functionality gaps in pptx that prevent us from using it for our solution (right now we convert pptx to ppt via automation and use the ppt code). These issues are (in order of importance to us) :

Rendering slides/masters to SVG not implemented
No access to slide comments in pptx
No way to render slide masters to either bitmaps or SVG
Seems to be no way to work with placeholders yet

We'd be grateful if you'd include these pieces of functionality in the pptx side as soon as practical.



Hi Robin,

These issues have been discussed in this thread owned by you.