Saving work book in .xslx is throwing error


When I save report in .xlsx format. I’m getting error while opening the report in microsoft excel.
Attaching the screen shot of the same.
I’m using Aspose.Cells version

Thanks and Regards


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.

Please download and try the latest version:
for .NET v7.1.0.2

If the problem persists, then please provide us your source xls/xlsx file which is throwing error. We will look into it and update you asap.

Hi Shakeel Faiz,
Thanks for your prompt response,
I have tried the new dll you have provided and I'm still getting error while opening the xlsx file.
The code snippet I have used to generate pdf is:
Workbook workbook = New Workbook();
PageSetup pageSetup = workbook.Worksheets[0].PageSetup;
pageSetup.PrintGridlines = true;
pageSetup.SetHeader(2, );
workbook.Save(, New OoxmlSaveOptions());
I'm attaching the xls file and also the generated xlsx file.

Thanks and Regards


Thanks for providing the sample source xls file.

I was able to reproduce the exception using the latest version with the below code.

We have logged this issue in our database. Once we will fix this issue or we have some update, we will let you know.

This issue has been logged as CELLSNET-40338


string path = @“F:\Shak-Data-RW\Downloads\Sample.xls”;

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(path);

workbook.Save(path + “.out.xlsx”);


It’s the limitation of MS Excel about “Characters in a header or footer”:

We will only export 255 Characters if the header/footer length is greater than 255 , then MS Excel will not pop up error message,but the some characters will disappear.

If the font of the header or footer is same , please just set the font only once.

For example about left header:

&L&“Arial,”&10&K000000 thrth

&“Arial,”&10&K000000 rhrth

&“Arial,”&10&K000000 rhtrht

Please simply enter:

&L&"Arial,"&10&K000000 thrth



Otherwise we have to remove the Characters beyond 255 Characters.


We have fixed this issue. Please download:
for .NET v7.1.0.4

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40338) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.