Slide processing crash

We have Aspose.Slides (an older version, couple years old, no support anymore) running on a webserver.

It was fine but suddenly it is refusing to process some presentations (it uploads them and splits the deck into individual slide files)

Our developer (no longer with the company but he had a look anyway) found this link …

He also indicated that “P:extLst” tags in the XML may also be relevant but obviously our clients just save files from PowerPoint so they can’t control the XML it uses.

Based on some simple testing we have concluded we think the issue is with Office 2016, some recent update likely as it was fine earlier in the year.

Certain content on slides, if added by PowerPoint 2016, cause Aspose to crash. Tables are definitely one. Textboxes may well be another. Probably other things.

Our client has some 2016 machines and at least one of those can create the above problem.

My developer tells me the system is calling Clone from Aspose. That is where the crash occurs …

Dim iIndex As Integer = presDes.Slides.AddClone(sld)

As such, it may well be we need to update our Aspose tool to the latest one. That would be 60% of $799 I believe?

However, before I can commit to that I’d need to know the latest version can process a file with the “content” in it.

I am thinking this issue may be new to you as well if it was a recent PPT/XML change.

Our system will happily process a 2013 file but not a 2016 file. The zip below contains these files.

test (50.3 KB)




I have observed your comments. Can you please share source presentation, environment details and which Aspose.Slides version you are using on your end. I suggest you to please try to use Aspose.Slides latest version 17.8 on your end before sharing requested information.


Thanks for the reply.

I am not really in a position to share such information, certainly our client’s presentation can’t be placed on an open forum. The other information I don’t have but it can be sought out.

The zip I included really covers the nub of the issue for us. The 2016 file won’t upload but the 2013 one does.

Can you confirm that the latest Aspose will perform the AddClone method on the 2016 file?




I like to share that latest Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.8 does not have issue in processing PowerPoint 2016 files provided it contain those element supported by Aspose.Slides. I have seen your presentation with table inside it and feel there should be no issue in cloning the slides for the presentation. I suggest you to please visit Clone slides documentation section for verification of presentations on your end and in case you face any issue during cloning, please feel free to report to us. You can even avail 30 days free trial license to evaluate the new API.

Ok, thanks for that. That gives me enough confidence for us to try the new Aspose version in due course

Thanks for your help
