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If there is anything additional on this issue, I will write.

Thank you!
We have customers that are waiting for this fix.

I’ll pass this to development team.

Will PDFNET-56889 fix be included in the next release and when can we expect it? We have customers waiting! Thanks!

I once again drew the attention of the development team to the task PDFNET-56889. Unfortunately I cannot provide any ETA.

a new version of Aspose.PDF for .net was released without fixing this issue.
Does getting a paid support service will expedite this fix?


Yes, this will speed up the work on it. I won’t promise that it will be solved quickly - the complexity of the problems may vary. But at least for her, a study will be carried out in the coming days after the priority is raised. And it will be solved without being delayed due to many other tasks (only for tasks with the same priority).

Hi, we have purchased paid support. how do I proceed with this now?

You don’t need to do anything special.
The priority support team will increase the priority of the issue and write to the developers about it.
But at the moment the priority of the task has not been increased.
Write to me on Monday, Tuesday so that I can check that the priority has been raised (and also write to the developers directly).

Thanks, please check…
@vladigubler has purchased the paid support with his account, but we’re from the same company…

Did he indicate that he needed to solve this problem?
Can you specify a specific designated supporter.
The priority of the task has not yet been increased.
You shoud to ping the priority support team about this.

@vladigubler was the one who initially opened this thread. I should be the designated supporter.
how do we ping the priority support team?

You can refer to me and write that the priority of task PDFNET-56889 has not been increased and ask for it to be increased.

please increase the priority of the task PDFNET-56889.
thank you!

Only paid support does this.
Write to THEM.

The priority of the task has been increased.
I will now also point this out to the development team.

Thank you!
Looking forward for the resolution.

I told the team, they took note

another version of pdf was released recently, and out issue is still not fixed…
any news about that?
