Two questions:
1. IRR as in Office 2010
I noticed that Aspose fails to calculate an IRR value, where Excel 2010 succeeds. Excel 2007 and previous fail, also. Please open the attached XLSX-file in Excel 2010 and Excel 2007 to see this.
Perhaps is this due to the fact that Microsoft has changed the way IRR is calculated, as described here:
Anyway, this is a problem for us, since our customer is using Office 2010, and they would like to see the exact result when we calculate using Aspose as they do when running Excel.
Now, to complicate things, we have other customers that use earlier versions of Office, and it would be great if it was possible to somehow tell Aspose which version of the IRR calculation to work with. This is not necessary, though.
2. Recent bug-fixes
I saw that an IRR bugfix was released here: <a href="</a></font></u></p><p>We are currently using of Aspose, and it is working great for us, and thus we are reluctant to upgrade to new versions of Aspose, since in the past some changes have broken things for us.</p><p>However, we need to make sure we get relevant bugfixes for us, and since we are now working with IRR, we need to check this specifically. </p><p>So, can I get more detailed information on what IRR fixes have been released since I need this information to decide whether or not we need to upgrade or not.</p><p>Thanks!</p><p>/Fredrik </p><p> </p>
Thanks for providing us the template file and details.
1) After an initial test, I can notice that MS Excel 2007 does not evaluate the IRR formula that is set on Cell A2 in the worksheet of your template file you provided here. But, I can see MS Excel 2010 does evaluate the formula fine and gives “5%” as a calculated value in the cell.
MS Excel 2007 → gives #DIV/0! error
Aspose.Cells’ formula calculation engine → gives #NUM! error
MS Excel 2010 → gives “5%”
We need to check if we can evaluate IRR formula in accordance with Excel 2010 for your needs. I have logged a ticket with an id: “CELLSNET-41220” for this issue. We will look into it soon.
2) We did make some enhancements in the formula calculation engine (of Aspose.Cells) including IRR functions, we have also done some other improvements and enhanced the performance of rendering Excel 2007/2010 file formats and fixed issues and included some features/APIs accordingly since the release of v7.0.4 and up to the recent release(s) of the product (e.g v7.3.4). For reference about summary details about what is fixed or enhanced in each release, you may see the release notes of different releases b/w 7.0.4 and 7.3.4(latest) here:
Moreover, we recommend you to kindly upgrade and use our latest version if possible. The simplest reason can be as you found the issue for your Excel 2010 users for the IRR formula, we may fix the issue and provide you the fixed version but the fixes are always made/included based on the latest versions of the product.
Thank you.
BTW, am I right that the Aspose IRR requires non-zero values in the beginning of the input? This seems to be the case, even with the last version.
Excel 2003 and forward doesn't have this limitation. Is there a reason for this?
Thanks for providing us more details which might be helpful to investigate the issue.
I have logged it to attach with your issue. Our concerned developer will look into your issue soon.
Once we have any update on your issue, we will let you know here.
Thank you.
We have fixed this issue.
Please download and try this fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.3.4.2 and let us know your feedback.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-41220) have been fixed in this update.
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