I have downloaded Aspose.PDF.Form from site and made a sample code.
However, to fill fields in a PDF Form take “several time” and processing.
How I increase performance of this process and fill more fast pdf form ?
Dear Jackson,
Thanks for considering Aspose.
Could you send your code and template pdf to me?
As a general suggestion, the following must be taken into account:
1.reduce the count of opening and closing the pdf, especially the copy operation.
2.complete all the filling operation during the time of one opening and saving operation of one pdf.
Best regards.
I’m sending PDF form and fonts for your analyse.
I’m waiting a response for it.
Dear Jackson,
It seems that you gave me the wrong template pdf.
In your code, it is “forms.pdf”. In your project, it is “form.pdf”. And “form.pdf” has no such fields as in your code. So i think you have sent a wrong pdf.
Could you send your template pdf again?
Best regards.
Dear Ken,
I’m sending Forms.pdf for your analyse and wait a response for this case.
I am waiting for a response.
Dear Jackson,
I have tested your pdf and the code. It works well and less than one second the result is ok.
How long will you spend to fill the fields?
Best regards.