XBRL Parser isn't picking up detailed fact/node data - only hi level data

ConvertXbrlToXlsx_out_0.pdf (7.7 KB)
[xbrl.xml sample](file:///G:/INTL%20FCStone%20Fixed%20Income%20Division/Tech/FDIC_Tools/inbound/FFIEC%20CDR%20Call%20FI%2037(ID%20RSSD)%2012312021.xbrl.xml) data site pic.png (458.7 KB)

Hi - I don;t think XLBR parser is picking up all of the fact detailed node data and exporting to Xcel - if u see screen shots, it picks up the higher level data in first 20 lines, but then misses all of the detailed transactional data. My NET code is below:

//parse_err = FFIEC_parse.ValidateXBLR(dirs[i].ToString());
//if (parse_err > 0) Console.WriteLine("Parsing error on item " + dirs[i].ToString());
//if (parse_err > 0) file.WriteLine("Parsing error on item " + dirs[i].ToString());
FFIEC_parse.ConvertXLBRtoXCEL(dirs[i].ToString(), destFilesOut, i);


XbrlDocument document = new XbrlDocument(sourceDir /+ @“IdScopeContextPeriodStartAfterEnd.xml”/);
XbrlInstanceCollection xbrlInstances = document.XbrlInstances;
XbrlInstance xbrlInstance = xbrlInstances[0];
List facts = xbrlInstance.Facts;
SchemaRefCollection schemaRefs = xbrlInstance.SchemaRefs;
List contexts = xbrlInstance.Contexts;
List units = xbrlInstance.Units;XLBR_XML sample.docx (37.4 KB)


After an initial test, we reproduced the issue as you mentioned by using your sample XBRL file. We have logged a ticket with an id “FINANCENET-138” for your issue. Please see and follow up your other thread for updates.