Jasperreports HTML5 Chart are not exported to docx

Hi all.
In my project I recognized that it seems the Aspose.Words is not able to export Jasperreports HTML5 charts.
Is that correct or did I miss any (export) configuration?

Normal Jasperreports docx export:
image.png (18.1 KB)

Aspose docx export:
image.png (5.3 KB)

Some other details:

  • The text on the left ist noch rotated with Aspose
  • the squares in the chart legend are not clean (perhaps that could be fit via export configuration settings)

HTML5 charts in Jasperreports are derived from the Highcharts Library. Jasperreports uses PhantomJS for rendering these chart to images. Is that functionality implemented/caompatible with Aspose.Words?

THX in advance,
Thomas Zimmer

Meanwhile I noticed that several others already asked for that functionality and is already tracked:

Do you have an update if and/or when the functionality will be implemented?



Unfortunately, Aspose.Words for JasperReports does not support HTML5 charts. However, we have logged this feature request as WORDSJR-297 in our issue tracking system. You will be notified via this forum thread once this feature is available. We apologize for your inconvenience.

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