I have two problems:
1 - Row's height diference between Excel File and GridWeb.
2 - I added GridWeb with custom button. The images and spreadsheet's title don't show.
This is working almost all users. Only a user, don't work. His uses IE 9.0.8112.16421.
2.1 - When I open GridWeb:
2.2 - I selected the first page again.

2.3 - I selected second page.
2.4 - I selected second page again.
Thank you.
I have tested to import your attached spreadsheet to GridWeb and found no issues.
It works fine for your 1) “Row’s height diference between Excel File and GridWeb.” and 2) “The images and spreadsheet’s title don’t show” issues.
Sample code (in Page’s Load event):
I have tested to run it in IE8.0 and Google Chrome, everything is fine.
We appreciate if you could create a sample application, zip it and post it here to reproduce the issue on our end. Also, kindly encircle the screen shots with red color to point out the problematic areas, this way we can understand you correctly.
Thank you.
Try with WebApplication2.zip.
GridWeb Version:
Thank you.
Thanks for your posting and providing us your project files.
We will look into it and get back to you asap.
We have logged this issue in our database with the issue id: CELLSNET-40494.
We have fixed this bug. Please download and use: Aspose.Cells for .NET (Latest Version)
Please set the autofitrows parameter as follows:
GridWeb1.WebWorksheets.AutoFitRows = true;
For your other bug: “ I added GridWeb with custom button. The images and spreadsheet’s title don’t show. ”
We have tested it with IE 9.0.8112.16421 and could not reproduce this bug .
ok, thanks.
I will try it.
About other bug. For the same compilation, one computer is working and other is not working. I tried reset IE config and clear cache but doesn't work.
Do you have any suggestions what can be?
We will suggest you to try the IE9 in standard mode and not in IE8 or IE7 mode.
Please also send us your html file which you can save using ie -> file -> saved as html file.
Please provide us your C# code replicating the problem.
We will look into them and help you asap.
You can use the WebApplication2.zip for simulate the problem.
I'm sending the test result with IE 9 e Firefox 11.
tp_cq.html -> save with IE
tp_cq_firefox.html -> save with Firefox
tp_cq_firefox_with_firefox.PNG -> Firefox's file opened with Firefox
tp_cq_firefox_with_ie.PNG -> Firefox's file opened with IE
tp_cq_with_firefox.PNG -> IE's file opened with Firefox
tp_cq_with_ie.PNG -> IE's file opened with IE
Thanks for your feedback.
We have logged your comment in our database. Development team will look into this issue and we will get back to you asap.
We could not reproduce your issue and it is very difficult to detect what’s wrong
However, we will advise you the following.
For IE 9 , use standard mode but not Compatibility View Mode ,not IE 7 mode, not IE8 mode, and for document mode, set it to ie9 , but not quick mode, not ie 7, not ie8 mode
If it also does not work, try to reset IE to default setting (you can set it by internet option>advanced>reset and reset ie 9).
Hope it will be helpful.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40494) have been fixed in this update.
This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by Aspose Notifier.
About first problem "1 - Row's height diference between Excel File and GridWeb."...
When I export to PDF or HMTL, it doesn't work.
I am use GridWeb v2.7.5.2001 and put line code
GridWeb1.WebWorksheets.AutoFitRows = true;
Thank you.
Please download and try the latest version:
Aspose.Cells for .NET (Latest Version) and let us know your feedback.
If the problem still occurs, then provide us your sample code and screenshot with red marks/circles around the incorrect areas.
This resolved with CELLSNET-40642.
Thank you.
Thanks for your feedback.
It’s good to know that this issue is also resolved with the earlier issue.
Let us know if you face any other issue, we will be glad to assist you further.